• info@lifescholars.org
  • Trenton, New Jersey

‘The HUT Community’ App

The HUT Community app was created out of the need to connect support youth and families across Mercer County NJ with food resources during the Covid 19 pandemic. The app helped families learn about food pantries, food distribution sites and meal on the go locations across Trenton and Mercer County NJ.

It now provides access to available and emerging resources; healthy food, local events, youth driven programs, culturally enriched programs, local businesses and much more. The app is inspired by traditional communal spaces, ‘Palava Huts,’ found across Liberia and many countries in Africa.

Palava Huts serves as social networking hubs for learning and sharing of current or emerging opportunities and resources. They also serve as a safe space to resolve issues/challenges in the community. Likewise, The HUT Community app is designed to support youth and families across Mercer County with access and knowledge of resources designed for their growth, empowerment, and continued success.

With the support of the SMITH FAMILY FOUNDATIONLegacy International Foundation for Education Inc. (LIFE) in partnership with Empowerment House Inc.Trenton United Family Foundation Inc. (TUFF), Vonzella’s Crowns and TRIO Upward Bound Program present “The HUT Community” app to serve our youth, seniors, and families with meaningful and relevant information/opportunities.

At a finger’s touch, users can:

  • Access to local resources
  • Exposure to opportunities and culturally enriched programs
  • Experiences to get involved, engaged and help build upon our vibrant community

The HUT Community app was created by Upstream United llc. and is managed by Legacy International Foundation for Education Inc.

Join The HUT Community on Facebook.

Facebook Group: “The HUT Community Hub” or contact us at info@lifescholars.org 


Partner Organizations

The app builds on our collective missions:

Empowerment House: Empowerment House is dedicated in providing a drug free and safe environment for our residents and communities. Empowerment House offers up to one year of housing and 8 life skill services (found on our service page) to men an​d women who struggle with obtaining housing, employment, displaying prosocial skills, rebuilding and/or building healthy relationships, and living out their life purpose due to substance/alcohol use.

TRIO Upward Bound is an educational program offered during the summer and academic year for high school students from low-income families; and families in which neither parent holds a bachelor’s degree. The goal of TRIO Upward Bound is to increase the rate at which participants complete secondary school and graduate from institutions of postsecondary education. It strives to develop the academic and personal skills a student will need to successfully complete college. TRIO Upward Bound is funded by the United States Department of Education (Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965).

TRIO Upward Bound reflects Mercer County Community College’s mission to provide services and activities that support individual student success.

TUFF: At Trenton United Family Foundation Inc we’re raising funds to promote initiatives for youth development and to serve our community. We believe in taking action with urgency in order to raise public awareness about some of the most pressing issues facing our communities.

Vonzella’s Crowns: Our Mission is to Educate, Transform, Empower Women, and Senior Citizens in the City of Trenton NJ, New Jersey through Advocacy, Community Service, Music and the Arts.